Tournament Rules

The 2023 Spring Sea Run Opener Rules and Prize Categories
The tournament start date is open ended and will "begin" when the first sea run striped bass has been landed by a tournament participant. The tournament will end June 1st. The prize for first landed sea run striped bass may be claimed at any point if the angler can provide photographic evidence of sea lice.
Registration fee is $25 for adults and free to Nantucket students, with all proceeds to benefit a Nantucket Island charity. Entrants may register to participate any time leading up to or during the course of the tournament but may not submit a catch until prior to signing up. Registration can be completed under the registration tab, on our Facebook page, in person at Bill Fisher Tackle, Nantucket Tackle Center, or by mailing the $25 entry fee with your email and phone number to "Spring Sea Run Opener - Box 3833 - Nantucket, MA. 02584".
This is a catch and release striped bass tournament. Qualifying catches include any striped bass landed from beach or boat in Nantucket's inshore waters with any standard spinning or fly rod equipment. All brackish ponds housing potential "holdovers" are OFF LIMITS to this tournament as only migratory sea run stripers will be eligible.
To register a catch simply take a photo of the fish with a measuring device. Next, submit the picture of your catch under the "Submit a Catch" tab. A catch may also be submitted by email to springsearunopener@gmail.com with the time, date and length of the fish to the nearest quarter inch. Measurement of the fish is only essential for team scoring, to signify that it is a "keeper" (28"+) or to qualify for the prizes of smallest or biggest fish of the tournament.
To qualify for any of the prizes requiring the length of the fish (shortest bass, First Keeper 28" or greater, and largest Fish of the Tournament) a photo is required with a tape measure showing the overall length of the fish from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail at its' furthers point. both the fish and the measuring device should be on as flat of a surface as the situation allows. The measuring device may lay above or below the fish. Lengths will be judged to the nearest 1/4" and in the event of a tie the photo submission that is received first will take the prize. The clarity and quality of the photo is the responsibility of the angler, but ALL reasonable submissions will be accepted. Please note that the prizes for "first landed sea run striper" and "first keeper sized bass of 28 or greater'' are time sensitive, and it is the participants responsibility to submit their entry as quickly as he or she is able.
If by the end of May 31st all prize categories are not filled, the tournament will continue until they have been.
Prize Categories, Breakdowns, and Rules
First Sea Run Striped Bass
The Prize for the first landed sea run striped bass will be awarded to the angler with the first photo submission of the tournament. The angler should note the presence of "sea lice" (pictured below) to verify that it was indeed a migratory striped bass. The quality and clarity of the picture is the responsibility of the angler, but all reasonable photo submissions will be accpeted.
*In the event that the first fish is 28"+ the submission will only count towards this award. additional fish may be submitted to win prizes in the other major categories.

First "Keeper" Bass
The Prize for the first "keeper" bass will be awarded to the angler who first submits a photo clearly depiciting a bass with an overall length of 28" or greater. The measurement should be taken from the tip of the tail to the snout of the fish (mouth closed) using a tape measure or similar device. The fish and measuring device should both be on as flat of a surface as the situation allows. The quality and clarity of the picture is the responsibility of the angler, but all reasonable photo submissions will be accepted. Below are two examples of acceptable submissions of fish measuring 31'' and 26''.

First Bluefish
The Prize for the first landed bluefish will be awarded to the angler with the first photo submission of the tournament. This award is for BEACH ANGLERS ONLY. This prize is time sensitive and will be awarded to the participant that submits the entry first OR can prove by photo time stamp that their catch was first to the beach. Bluefish landed after the first submission will count for 1 point towards awards drawing at the conclusion of the tournament, no length measurements required.
Shortest Bass
The angler with the shortest bass of the tournament in overall length will be awarded the Rich D'Auteuil Breakfast Bass Trophy (we joke!). In the event of a tie in length, the submission that was received first will claim the prize.
Largest Bass of the Tournament
The prize for the largest striped bass of the tournament will be awarded to the angler that submits a photo of the longest fish in overall length as measured from the tip of the tail to the snout of the fish (mouth closed). In the event of a tie in overall length, the angler with the earliest submission will take the prize.
Weekly Winners
The largest striped bass of each week in May, will receive a prize. This length based prize will also be judged on a time sensitive basis. If two entrants submit a 25" fish, the entry received first will win the weekly prize.
Team Scoring:
-Teams will consist of 3 members.
-A team's total score will be tabulated by the total length (inches) of each participants best striped bass of the tournament.
-Each participant must catch their own fish (one team member can't submit all 3 fish for his/her team)
-There will be NO BLUEFISH for team scoring this year.
-A participant may submit as many fish as he/she wants as long as each fish is longer than the previous catch
-If you compete in the team competition you are still eligible to win prizes in the individual competition.
Examples of scoring:
1.) Teammate A catches 30" bass, teammate B catches 20" bass, teammate C catches 25" bass = 75'' total.
2.) Teammate A catches 30" bass, teammate B catches no fish, teammate C catches 25" bass = 55" total.
3.) Teammate A catches 30" bass, teammate B catches 30" bass, teammate C catches 40'' bass = 100" total.
Individual Scoring and Grand Prize Drawing Point System
The winning charity will be selected from an approved list of Nantucket non-profit organizations by a tournament participant who has registered at least one catch during the tournament. The Participant will be determined at random by a point weighted drawing at the conclusion of the tournament. Points can be accumulated by each angler under the following criteria:
1 Point: Any Striped Bass Under 28''
1 point: Any Keeper Bass 28" or greater
1 Points: Any Bluefish
An angler can collect points from each of the above a maximum of one time. In example, a participant CANNOT earn 3 points by submitting 3 photos of striped bass under 28". An angler CAN earn 3 points by submitting a bass under 28" (1 point), a bass of 28" or greater (1 point), and a bluefish (1 point).
*A maximum of 3 points can be collected towards raffle prizes - There is no limit to the "major" prizes that can be won.
All prize drawings will take place at the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the tournament. You do not have to be present to win a raffle prize. *ONLY ANGLERS PRESENT WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRAND PRIZE CHARITY DRAWING*